Our Story
Kilns CBO was launched in 2013 in Kakamega, western Kenya to support local women-led community groups to increase their manufacturing and sales of energy-efficient wood burning stove liners made of local clay. The energy-efficient stoves burn 40% less wood than traditional 3-stone cooking fires.
The sale of these stove liners generates extra income for the community groups. The energy-efficient wood burning stoves help local people save both time spent collecting firewood and money buying firewood, which is often illegally logged from Kakamega Forest.
To help groups grow their capacity Kilns CBO projects expanded to support bigger kiln construction, building of storage sheds, workshops, drilling of boreholes and rain water tank installations as rural communities start to feel the impact of climate change.
Rural communities have little to no access to affordable capital. Kilns CBO works to bridge this gap. Kilns CBO fully vets community groups before providing financial support through its Kilns Fund.
Kilns CBO closely collaborates with ECO2LIBRIUM (ECO2), a ground-breaking, globally recognized Certified B Corporation that focuses on renewable energy and forest conservation.
ECO2's efficient cook stoves division sources stoves from local community enterprises and has installed over 100,000 efficient cookstoves, improving the lives of more than half a million people and reducing forest wood use by the equivalent of 250 acres per year.

Thank You for Your Continued Support
Kilns Fund collects all donations for our work. 90% of all donations go directly towards the community projects. Our fiscal sponsor, Visions Made Viable, runs the donations site and provides documentation for charitable tax deduction purposes. Click 'Donate' to support the Kilns Fund through the Visions Made Viable site.